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Man's Best Friend OUT NOW
Petty's latest single dropped on September 20th! God knew we couldn't do life alone, that's why he made Man's Best Friend.
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Aunt Sam OUT NOW
"I love taxes!" said no one ever! It's about time we leave the toxic relationship we have with our government.
Superhero OUT NOW
Petty's Memorial Day single! Thank you to our heroes who gave their life for our freedoms. 
Watered Down Whiskey OUT NOW
Petty kicked off 2024 with a bang with their latest single, "Watered Down Whiskey"! 
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Outlaw OUT NOW
Petty's debut album Outlaw is a compilation of 14 songs representing the homecoming of Caleb and Madison!
Boots and Whiskey Podcast
Caleb and Madison got to sit down with Jim from Boots and Whiskey to talk about their latest release Outlaw
Outside the Circle Podcast Ep. 104
Caleb and Madison got to sit down with Outside the Circle to talk about their music! 
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God Guns & Whiskey - OUT NOW!​

The third single leading up to the big album release is God Guns & Whiskey! We are so happy to finally have this one out! Stream now! 

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More Than A Country Song - OUT NOW!​

The second single leading up to the big album release is More Than A Country Song! Inspired by all the amazing country love songs out there, More Than A Country Song is out NOW!

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Straight Shooter - Out Now!!

In light of their debut album as a married couple coming out this summer, Petty releases Straight Shooter on March 24th! 

Straight Shooter is the first single of the album and really kicks off this new era of country southern rock that Petty is going for. 

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One Dream at a Time - Single​

For the longest time, "Petty" was only Caleb Petty. Caleb wrote, recorded, and released music on his own. Now, Caleb teams up with his wife, Madison Petty for their debut single as "Petty".

"One Dream at a Time" was fully written by Caleb back when him and Madison first starting dating in high school. In contrast to Caleb's previous releases such as Mr. Nobody and Midtown Blues (Remastered), Madison is the main musician on this single. Playing everything from drums, bass, guitar, and even singing some background vocals. 


Stream One Dream at a Time now!

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